Sunday, 17 February 2008

Pay It Forward

NOTE - This exchange has now closed. Thanks to those who are participating.

I have committed myself to a Pay It Forward exchange as I think it's a lovely idea. It's based on the concept from the movie - Pay It Forward - where three acts of kindness are done without expecting anything in return. Each recipient of those 'acts of kindness' must then choose three different people who they, in turn, do an 'act of kindness' for and the process repeats over and over.

Why not share in passing the 'act of kindness' love too?

Here's how it works - I promise to paint or make a small gift for the first three people who leave a comment on this post requesting to join in on the Pay It Forward exchange. The three people chosen must then post on their own blogs promising three different people an act of kindness gift. Sorry, you must have your own blog to be able to participate.

Note - I will notify each of the three people that they have been chosen and they will then need to email me their snail address after posting about the Pay It Forward on their own blog. Please allow 4 - 8 weeks for me to paint and send my gifts to you.

Gifts can be anything that is handmade or painted by you.


  1. I am interested in your gift Serena.

    I was searching the web this evening for "Pay It Forward" and came about your blog. I am a big fan of the movie and have incorporated the spirit of the movie into my own life.

    My blog is I am close to completing my first book which I am calling "Secrets of an Immortal". I will offer a free electronic copy of the book, when it becomes ready, to the first 3 people who add comments onto my blog with the words "Pay It Forward" in the comment.


    Ben Abba

  2. Thanks Ben and Anita. Glad to have you on board.

    Anita, I have received your snail address, thanks.

    Ben, you will need to email me your snail address. My email link is under my Profile pic.

    Now, all you need to do is a 'Pay It Forward' post on your own blogs. Thanks so much for participating. :)

  3. Hi Serena, nice blog!!

    greetings from Italy :D

  4. What a wonderful idea, I love this!

  5. Apologies Serena for the delay in getting Pay It FOrward going on my blog. Check out my new post when you get a chance.

    Thank you and Blessings!

  6. Serena, just to let you know that your gift finally caught up with me late last week and it was wonderful and much more than i expected.

    Thank you!

    Please know, regardless of what happens with my Pay-It-Forward program, you will be receiving a copy of my book when it finally gets printed.

    Be Well, Live Long, and Prosperous!
