Meet Lachie! He is a Jack Russell Terrier and belongs to Deidre, the lady who lost her beloved, pet Rainbow Lorikeet last year. My sister commissioned this painting of Lachie as her gift to Deidre.

I was reading this post on Julie's blog this morning where she showed a cute ATC of a Chihuahua. Julie went on to comment how blessed she felt living in the States and she prays for people starving and/or suffering in other countries. I join her in those prayers. I believe that this also applies to animals worldwide. I look at my little dog, Cody, and see how loved and well cared for he is and my heart then goes out to all the animals in this world who are treated with such horrific cruelty, insensitivity and indifference. When I read of the shocking atrocities being done to people and animals alike, I feel pain in my heart. I think this world would be a better place if ALL people had compassionate hearts towards all living things other than themselves.
Animal welfare organisations worldwide rely on our donations to help make a difference in animals lives who have no voice of their own. If you are so inclined, please visit any of the Animal Welfare links in the right column of this blog and BE a part of that difference. Thank you.