Monday 23 June 2008

Doggy in a blanket!

I had quite a busy day yesterday starting out with a parent/teacher meeting. Then, I was off to buy groceries for a few vegan recipes I want to sample. I met a friend at the shops so spent over an hour just chatting. I did manage a spare hour in the afternoon to get more done on the painting. The dog is pretty washed out at the moment but he is only roughly blocked in. More layers to come.
Work In Progress - Stage Three

For dinner, I tried a nice vegan recipe which I found over on Urban Vegan's blog. Broccoli Alfredo style -

I sautéed lots of fresh garlic in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, then add some boiled broccoli and seasoned with sea salt, pepper and a dash of veggie stock powder. I kept adding water and let it simmer down to a nice, mushy sauce which I mixed through some Penne Pasta. I sprinkled the top with Cayenne Pepper and it was delicious!

As promised, here are a couple of pics of Beau in his outfit for the costume party he went to on Saturday night. He was very pleased with the cape I made for him. He went as a devil and Nicole, his long time friend, went as an angel. They had a great time!


  1. Your painting is coming along beautifully Serena. That's a lovely peaceful pose. The recipe sounds yummy. Love the photos! You did a great job with the cape :-)

  2. Your painting is wonderful. I love the pup and your background wash is really good. This is going to be a wonderful painting. What medium are you using?

    Your recipe looks great. I think I will try it as I love veggie recipes.

    Love the cap too. My brother would love to have something like that.


  3. Thanks, Maria ~

    Thanks, Becky....I'm using acrylic paints.
