and, thank you, janet for the 'e for excellent' award.

i am going to follow janet's lead by saying that i too find it difficult to pick and choose between all my wonderful blog friends so.......i bestow this award upon all of you! that's right, if you are reading this, have a blog, and would like an award, please feel free to take one or both. i think you are all deserving ~
i spent a couple of hair-raising hours last night setting up my new nokia E51 mobile phone. mine is the 'copper rose' colour. i was due to renew my contract with my service provider and the new contract (for one year) came with a free mobile phone upgrade......how could i resist?! i've had the previous phone for two years now so this new beast took a little getting used to. at first, i hated it but, after only one day, i'm lovin' it! it has a lot of great features but i was disappointed to find that it had no games installed so, today i downloaded the game bejeweled for the mobile. I LOVE bejeweled! i play the computer version a lot. i also love the computer game - moraff's morejong. do you have a favourite computer or mobile phone game you just can't resist?