Monday 28 December 2009


This will be the last Photo Monday for 2009! I'm not too sure if Linda, our group leader, plans to continue with the Photo Monday group in 2010 but I'm kinda hoping she will. I have thoroughly enjoyed participating and getting to know our group members throughout the past year.

I thought I'd share a quick sketch I did today of the purple vacuum cleaner I bought at the Boxing Day sales. Yes, you read's PURPLE! I don't think I've ever seen a purple vacuum cleaner before but I LOVE IT!

Now, from vacuum cleaners to gardening......a few weeks ago, I noticed a sweet potato shooting sprouts so I sat it outside under the pergola. I didn't have the heart to throw it away so it went from this -

to this -

For seven years now, we have lugged around this potted avocado tree from house to house. It belongs to Beau and he grew it from's huge and weighs a ton! Beau has begged me to put it in the ground on numerous occasions but, we have only lived in rental homes and, I seriously doubt that a landlord would want THIS type of tree in a small suburban back-yard. It would grow huge if it were planted in the ground! We have heard that potted avocado trees can take up to seven years before they start bearing fruit. It must be getting close.....

In recent months, Beau decided to plant yet another avocado seed and, as you can see from the pic below, it's doing quite well.

Of course, I'm certainly not looking forward to lugging TWO huge potted avocado trees around in the future.

I can only hope and pray that the mango seeds Beau potted a short time ago don't take....

Love, light and peace


  1. Sounds like he has green fingers. My youngest likes growing potatoes, I'll have to see if he can grow some sweet potatoes this year as well

  2. I've looked forward to all your Monday postings - your drawings are incredible.

  3. you could make mango juice if it does grow ;)

  4. What a cute little vacuum! I don't think the page is too stuffed. I really like your sketchbook pages. :)

    You are having such good luck--green thumbs? I think I have killed off my plants from over fertilizing them. I did that once many years ago. I only have three, but I don't think any of them will survive my loving care. Might be able to salvage the philodendron if I cut it up and root it. Sad! I'll want to buy some new ones this spring. Been many years since I have actually bought a plant. I feel terribly guilty. Yours look gorgeous, tho! :)

  5. You should publish your journal as a book. It is very appealing.

    Happy Christmas/New Year.

  6. The new purple vac looks cute!
    I LOVE the avocado tree! I've sprouted a few but they never have gone much further. Now I wanna try again :)
    Happy new year sweet friend!!

  7. You know I'm "green" with envy over your PURPLE vacuum cleaner!! I might even want to do some vacuuming if mine was purple, too!

    I've grown avocado plants before but nothing like that one!! I have an article (somewhere) about what they called "garbage gardening"....planting things that you would normally throw away. I've done pineapples and sweet potatoes. I think it's all pretty "green"

  8. Beau and his avacado tree! He needs to stop planting such big trees until he gets his own place. I hope the others don't take either, lol.

    I am prob going to go down and check out the vacuum cleaners today since ours stopped working a little while ago. Great sketch!

  9. A purple vacuum, how cool is that, I love that so many appliances and such come in color now. Its bound to make vacuuming more fun.

  10. your journal pages are the best. I wish I had more discipline. They will make a great keepsake for you and your kids in years to come. I love the composition of this one. I am going to try and start one. seriously! And purple as a vacuum cleaner? I am loving that!!

  11. OMG! That is the cutest vacuum I've ever seen. How fun! That's a fantastic sketch, Serena.

    Wow- Beau must have two green thumbs. He's a boy after my own heart- I love growing things and all kinds of plants. I have some ornamental sweet potato vines growing in my planters- green and dark purple ones.

    I'd like to keep the Photo a Week going if others still want to play.
    Maybe we could take turns coming up with themes for each month?

  12. hahah... looks like little Pinky is pretty taken with purple things too....

    I've got my vacuum cleaner hose decked out with a tiger skin cover... well, not real skin you understand... what are we doing anyway? Trying to make housekeeping more sexy? more fun? ... Freud might have a thing or two to say about us....

  13. How wonderful! Love the purple vacuum cleaner. Wishing you a wonderful New Year! Thank you for all your supportive comments this past are such a beautiful soul. XOXO

  14. May you find your own garden to plant the trees in! :)

  15. Oh! I love the purple vacuum, and I adore your sketch of it! :)

  16. Hi Serena,
    Oh yes, that is a Gingerbread train that my 16 yr old son put together. Yummy!
    My dear hubby gave me a Panasonic Lumix for Christmas. You know the one on the add, where it skips across the water. Oh, I'm a bit scared to put it under water just yet.
    Ah, you are sooo talented and creative with your drawings-don't know anyone else that could draw such a good looking vacumm cleaner.
    You should send that picture off to the company. You may get some work from it.
    All the best wishes to you and your family for 2010

  17. I really do love your sketches and your style! Sketching is something I find extremely challenging. I'm just so slow.

  18. Thank you all for you wonderful comments! :)

  19. Wow, that's a lovely tree... I admire your dedication in lugging it around to new homes. I hope it pays off with tasty avocados soon. (Does it need a pollinator, though, like some pitted fruits? You may need a male and a female... not sure, as we cannot grow avocados here.)

    And your purple vacuum is so jazzy. My vacuum is old and ugly, but still capable, so I won't get too envious of your purple wonder ;) Oh, and I like your triangular journal page layout; it's unusual.

    Happy 2010, Serena! (Is it already the New Year where you are? I think it might be.)

  20. Unlike any mango or avocado seed that I've ever tried to grow, this tree doesn't look like it's strugging at fact it's thriving! I guess some heat and sunshine will do that!

    Your vaacum is very cute and was obviously made for you!

    Happy New Year to you and your family Serena. May 2010 fill you to overflowing with sweet love and creative joy!

  21. Happy New Year
    dear Serena.
    Sending thee
    best wishes
    across the sea.

  22. Serena,
    Nice to meet you. I followed threads from Carrie's site and am marveling at the loveliness of your art. It truly touches the heart. You have a gift....And I am a bit envious of that avocado plant. I'd love one but we live in northern climes-- cold!

    Oh, yes, I originally came over because I was drawn in by your blog icon. I have a beautiful piece of statuary (bronze-ish) of a meditating woman (very serene!) who looks just like this. :-)


  23. Thanks, Meredith, and I'm not really sure if it needs a pollinator in the area or not and I have been wondering about that too. I guess time will tell. :)

    Thanks, Helen and Kate ~ :)

    Hi Jan and thanks for visiting. I'm glad you like my icon pic...I was going for the serene, meditative pose. Thanks ~ :)

  24. Hiya Serena...just popped over to day about the ornie in my header... I didn't do anything to it...bought it like that.

    I got three...when a fancy schmancy shop went out of business... very deluxe, but, at that time the price finally became almost affordable... so I splurged and bought one of each of the shapes they had.

  25. I have missed coming here Serena but I will be visiting more often now and thank you for stopping by my blog while I was awol. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year also.

  26. Serena, can you believe my 4 year old asked for a pink vacuum cleaner? TWICE? That purple one is great. I have a purple floor steamer. :D

    That avacado tree is WONDERFUL! And grown from wonder beau is attached to it. do have a bodybuilder in the family...make him lug it around.


  27. Wow, awesome, a purple vaccuum cleaner! Purple is my favorite color. That's a great sketch, too! I wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy New Year. May it be filled with blessings and goodness!

  28. That is a great sketch! And what a fun color to have on such a necessary item! Love it :D :D

  29. Love your purple vacuum. So sorry to hear about problems in the family. Hope all is better. And, great pic up on top, did you get a haircut, it looks really nice.
