Sunday, 16 March 2014

Choir and sketches

It's been a busy week! 

Poor Aaron and Beau were sick 
with flu. 
I didn't feel all that great myself 
but it didn't get a good hold of me, thank goodness. 

Brad and I had our first choir practice on Tuesday! 
Brad's occupational therapist started
a six week choir project called - Sing for Health -
and she invited Brad and I to join. 
Brad LOVES to sing so we could hardly say no. 
I never imagined myself being a member of a choir 
but we truly had a blast 
and met some lovely people too.
I never knew choirs could be so much fun!

My baby girl had her last birthday in her twenties! 
She's not looking forward to her 30th next year. 
Funny, that my 30th birthday was the ONLY birthday 
I ever got depressed about. 
I felt like I was over the hill. lol 
Every birthday since has not phased me in the slightest.

Okay, pencil-free sketches for this week are below.
All are done in my pocket Moleskine sketchbook 
using only pen and ink. 

I'm linking up with Sunday Sketches today at this link.
To find out more about Sunday Sketches, check out this link.

I hope you all enjoy a beautiful Sunday! xx


  1. Funny 30 was the only birthday I ever got depressed about too! I think because I had these preconceived ideas of all the things I should have achieved by that age and I felt i'd failed miserably! Every birthday since has been a breeze!
    I am really enjoying seeing your sketchbook journal-the illustrations are so good. Glad you're enjoying the choir!

    1. Thanks, Nic. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who was depressed on my 30th even if for different reasons. :)

  2. Wow, lovely illustrations at your sketchbook!!!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  3. All of your work is just divine. I love peeking in your sketchbooks to see what catches your eye.
    Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. Thanks, Dawn! So nice to see you drop by. xo

  4. Wonderful and creative sketches ~ all of them ~ I taken in by the Buddha for some reason ~ beautiful work ~ lots of healing energy hugs for you and your Dad and Mum ~ Happy Sunday ~ xxx

    artmusedog and carol

    1. Thanks, Carol. Glad you like the Buddha sketch. Thanks for the well wishes for Mum and Dad too...much appreciated. xx

  5. Hope the flu has passed. I really enjoy seeing your journal entries and you have such beautiful penmanship. It's hard seeing a parent slip away slowly but I know your presence is felt deeply even when the words are voiced. visiting from sunday sketches.

    1. Thanks, Juana. Your kind words re. my Dad brought a tear to my eye...thank you. xx

  6. glad you didn't get sick and hope your hands feel better!

    I don't think I have really gotten depressed for any birthdays, always thought it really is just another day

    1. Thanks, Jen. Good for you re. not getting depressed on your birthdays. I look on my birthday as just another day although my 50th was probably my best birthday ever! :)

  7. Love all of your sketches!!! You've had a busy week :)

    1. Thanks, Carol, and yes, it certainly was a busy week. :)

  8. Sorry the boys were sick. Glad you didn't get a full-fledged case yourself!
    Happy birthday to Michelle!! My worst birthday was my 27th. I realized my dream of being happily married was probably never going to happen and for some reason I just knew in my bones that Dagan would never have a little brother or sister. It was the only time that the actual passage of time bothered me. And I was right on both scores--LOL! ;)

    1. Thanks, Rita. xx So 27 was the low year for you. Those milestones/realisations certainly would have an affect. Yep, as I said to Ginny, I don't mind getting older though I wish my body was still young as, in my mind, I feel like I'm still in my 20's. lol

  9. Serena your sketchbook is lovely. You are such an incredible artist. I always enjoy your work. I think my 30th birthday was the hardest although I am not someone who enjoys getting older. I try very hard not to think of the numbers.

    1. Thanks, Ginny! I have to laugh when I think of how depressed I was on my 30th birthday. lol I was actually excited about my 50th. Go figure. lol That said, while I don't mind my age getting higher by number, I don't like my body aging with it as it comes with arthritis etc. :( In my mind, I feel like I'm in my 20's! :)

  10. I love your journal/sketch book. What a lovely way to keep track of things in your life. Hope your family is all feeling much better. And I don't know if you know about this but turmeric/ curcumin are great for inflammatory issues and should be fine with your meds. (check first of course) I take something called curaphen, which is a natural supplement when I have any headaches or body aches.

    1. Thanks, Kim, and thanks for the info re. turmeric/curcumin; will definitely check into it. :)

  11. You have such great shadows in your work. I struggle with that. Really nice journal pages! Teach me how to not be phased by birthdays. I'm dreading each forty something birthday that comes. Yuck! Thanks for sharing your work.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy Sunday Sketches!

  12. That sounds fun! I always wanted to sing in a choir, but I couldn't face the audition. So I better stick to drawing and painting. Your sketches are beautiful, and I love the writing to accompany them. And I love your clips! I only ever see those boring black ones over here.

  13. I absolutely love your sketches, Serena. Hope everyone has recovered from the flu by now. The choir sounds like fun. I was in choir in middle school and would travel for competitions. Loved it! I love to sing! Not so sure I'm good at it but what the heck. I don't recall being depressed about any of my birthdays. So far my 40th was the best as I held a sit down dinner for 20 friends, created the menu myself, had a couple of friends help me with cooking and serving. It was a really great time. Now I'm looking forward to my 50th in 2 years so that I can finally feel like a grown up. Ha! :) Wishing you a wonderful rest of the weekend. Tammy

  14. Wonderful sketches, especially the hand. There's something so delicate about it.
    As for birthdays, we tended not to make a great fuss about them and I can't remember turning 30 or 50. The only reason I (vaguely) remember 40 is because it marked my last day in uniform.
