Sunday, 15 February 2015

some sketching...

Thank you all so much for the kind and caring words you left on the last post, and via email, regarding my Dad.  I appreciate it so much. Dad is doing much the same.  Morphine with sedative when required.  It continues to be a difficult time as it's so hard to see my Dad deteriorate like this. He is bedridden and sleeps a lot but we visit often. I'm going to pamper him with a manicure when I visit him tomorrow.  He enjoyed the last one I gave him.

I haven't found a lot of time for sketching due to visiting my Dad so much but I have grabbed pockets of time where I've been able to.  I'm not overly happy with the following sketches but I'm happy that I sketched something, at least.

On December 4th, Brad had an appointment at Vision Australia to register and become a member. He and I went crazy in their gadget shop for the visually impaired! I bought myself a magnifier lamp which has already come in very handy on my art desk.

Before Aaron went back to school after the Christmas holiday break, we took a drive out to the new Wyaralong Dam near Beaudesert.  It was lovely!  We will definitely be visiting again although, next time, we will take insect repellent!  I managed a very quick sketch of  my view before it started to rain, forcing us to head home early.  It was a nice day out regardless.

I've been taking Liz Steel's 'Sketching Now' online course which has been fantastic. Twelve weeks of fun and learning.  Liz is such a good teacher and puts so much time and effort into covering even the small details.  She is very in-depth and explains everything so clearly.  I've read and watched the videos each week but, as my free time has been limited, I'm only just starting to do homework where I can. Thankfully, the class material will remain available for at least twelve months which should give me plenty of time to catch up.

I created a colour mixing chart from my palette thanks to this very helpful post on Jenny's blog - How to make a watercolour chart. I had so much fun doing this that I'm sure it won't be the last colour mixing chart I do.

Another online class I registered for on Craftsy was Sketching People in Motion by Marc Taro Holmes.  Oh my, another gem of a class!  Marc is an amazing teacher and I'm keen to put some of his techniques into action.  I've actually been enjoying quite a few of the courses on Craftsy of late. Their classes are quite reasonable in price and they give life-time access...can't complain about that. 

I was one of the lucky backers who helped to make The Perfect Sketchbook a reality.  It was the brainchild of Erwin Lian Cherngzhi.  This sketchbook is gorgeous and a little bulkier in size compared to the Moleskine pocket watercolour notebook. I feel privileged to own one because I'm not sure that they will be produced again. It was a one time thing, however, Erwin did mention that he may attempt it once more for an A5 sketchbook.

I was very excited to receive my order for a carbon pen and cartridge from The Goulet Pen Company on Friday!  It was beautifully packaged and they even included a little treat.  I'm fairly new to sketching with fountain pens.  I only have two so far...notice that implies that there will be more. Me thinks I'm developing an addiction.  I LOVE sketching with my Lamy JOY and now this Carbon Pen.

To add a lovely end to my week, I had my two beautiful Granddaughters come for a sleep-over. Their Mummy and Daddy went out for a Valentine's dinner and a movie.  We had a great time with Mikayla and Maddy and I'm sure they enjoyed their visit too.  They have not long left to go home, bless their little hearts.  I miss them already.

Today, I'm linking up with Sunday Sketches HERE.

Until next time.....


  1. I'm sorry to hear your father is still not doing well. However, I'm glad you still had a little time to work on your beautiful artwork and spend time with your granddaughters. Blessings!

  2. So sorry that your Dad is deteriorating... Must be such a difficult time for you and you will be in my thoughts... Your sketches don't show any difficulties though and your lines are as lovely as always. I am just starting to use fountain pens and dip pens a lot more after not really using them since college so it is like starting all over again, but I am loving it. Very envious of your Lamy... I have been hinting like mad for Mother's Day!

  3. I am sorry about your Dad and hope he is staying as comfortable as possible with the Palliative care.

    What a coincidence that you mentioned goulet. I just discovered them last month. I have been thinking about getting a lamy pen but am not sure which one. Goulet pens is great, aren't they!

    Looking forward to more of your daily sketches.

  4. So sorry to hear about your Dad Serena, I've been there and know how tough it can be.
    But I'm glad that your art is helping. I'm amazed that you are able to sketch and create so much. You're an inspiration.
    I like the look of the Goulet pens but have never heard of them before. Time for some research I think 😉

  5. What a great post! I'm in the states and have a week of winter break and just signed up for sketching in motion. Would love to sign up for all of the classes. Thanks for taking the time to write all this up especially with all that is happening in your life. Sending prayers your way. Fondly, Karen

  6. Hard times with your dad. Sounds like they are taking good care of him and I am glad you are visiting him often. *big hugs*
    Love your sketches. Especially impressed with your first week of Sketching Now and the lovely flowers in the waiting room when you took your mom. You are managing to do some classwork and sketching through all of this and being so busy. Your trip away sounds like what you needed and love your capture of your dad. You'll have to let us know how that sketchbook works out and I am anxious to know how you like your new Carbon Pen from Goulets!! It has such a fine line you will be able to do detail work you never could before. Fun!! Glad to see you posting. I know how full your days are lately. :):)

  7. So Happy to see you back sketching! You have an amazing talent!
    Happy that you are taking those online classes. Great sketches of the people in motion!
    When you wrotew about the Goulet Pen Company I had to read it TWICE....I thought you had said , "The Soulet Pen Company" because that is my last name, :)
    I will keep praying for your dad.

  8. beautiful sketches and its difficult when our parents deteriorate before hugs for that its very difficult

  9. I'm very sorry to hear that your dad isn't doing well. I can't imagine how difficult that is for you. I've always found during difficult times that art helps me, so I hope (after seeing all of these beautiful pieces) that it is helping you as well.

  10. I think that considering what you are dealing with at the moment, you have been remarkably productive! I am really impressed with all of your pages! I have never yet found a fountain pen I can get along with - they all seem scratchy and dry out quickly. I tried a Rotring Art Pen which I hoped would be better but sadly not. Maybe it's something I'm not doing right? :0)

  11. It is hard when parents get old, but I am glad that you are still sketching inspite of your dad's condition. It does help to relieve stress. Love your sketches. They are beautiful
