Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Scribble Picnic - Bird

Well, I had big plans to have a completed Scribble Picnic sketch for you all this week — coloured-in and all, but...

an unexpected visit from one of my sons put a bit of a spanner in the works, I'm afraid. While we had a lovely visit with my son, I didn't get time to work on my sketch until late evening.

Scribble Picnic is hosted by Michael Macvean over on his blog.

This week's theme is BIRD.

SO... filled with excitement, little Tommy is off on another bird-watching adventure. He has his camera set up on the tripod, at the ready, and is scouring the trees and shrubs with his binoculars in hope of spotting a bird to photograph and sketch. Little does he know that a Cockatoo has come to rest on the camera tripod right behind him. Who's watching who? hehe  

Only a very rough pencil sketch for now but it gives you an idea of where I'm headed with this one. A lot more detailing is planned...

To see the work of other Scribble Picnickers for this week, click HERE.
To find out how to join in on the fun each week, click HERE.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week.


  1. Haha that's so cute, who is watching who.

  2. Oh the story continues....I can't wait to see how you use him in future themes. I think he's so cute.

  3. This so great Serena - I feel a lovely book for children in the works! The cockatoo is cute - I love Australian birds, very different from my garden feathered friends here. I'm listening to noisy screeching blue jays at present - something in the garden has set them off big time on this very hot day.

    Glad you enjoyed being with your son - family is important!
    Mary -

  4. this looks good even a sketch as my sketches are never this good, I see tommy not just spying birds but perhaps other wonderful creatures.

    have a lovely day.

  5. very nice continuation in the story :)

  6. So cute! Love the cockatoo watching Tommy!
    I hope it was a good visit. love and hugs! :)

  7. Aw, I so love this sketch and the stroy behind it. Adorable. now, i totally want to see it coloured in, Serena! No worries though, this is a SCRIBBLE picnic, after all. I love the story you are showing each week with Tommy. Such fun!

    Thank you so much for adding it to this week's collection.

  8. Time with family always takes precedence. Fun seeing Tommy's story continue, colored in or not!

  9. The bird sitting on the camera made me chuckle. Cute piece.
