You Are 82% Creative |
You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity. Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool! |
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
How Creative Are You?
I found this quiz over on Janet's blog and thought you might like to try it too.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Rainbow Lorikeet - Work In Progress - Stage One

On another note, my vegan-ised Ginger Cake was a total success! Beau said it was even nicer than the original recipe. I had planned to take a pic but the cake didn't even last the afternoon. lol
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Michelle and Alex went away for the weekend so they dropped their 'babies' in for us to look after. The white budgie is Annabelle (Annie) and is albino. The blue one is called Izzy but, at this stage, her sex is debateable because she is still a baby. I did some research on the net this morning though and I'm pretty sure Michelle will have to rename her to a boy's name. She will not be impressed....LOL
I'm off to bake a ginger cake....this will be the first time I will be vegan-ising the recipe so I hope it turns out okay.
Have a fantastic weekend!
I'm off to bake a ginger cake....this will be the first time I will be vegan-ising the recipe so I hope it turns out okay.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Friday, 25 April 2008
ANZAC DAY - Lest We Forget

ANZAC DAY is one of Australia's most important national occasions. Red poppies were seen to be among the first living plants that sprouted after the devastation of the battlefields in northern France and Belgium. On this day, we remember the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp who fought so bravely during the Gallipoli campaign in the First World War. Australia lost over 8000 soldiers. To read the history in more depth, please visit this link.
I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and thanks to the soldiers who still continue to protect us at risk to their own lives, on a daily basis, in foreign lands. They deal with terrible hardships on a physical and emotional level and I pray that they return home safely to their loved ones. Whether you are for or against war (I am pro-peace), there is no denying that these men and women sacrifice so much on our behalf and they deserve our utmost respect.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Whether you believe Global Warming is an issue or not, this young man certainly puts a logical perspective on the topic in terms of risk management.
My son's school has requested that, in recognition of the day, no plastic wrapping be used for our kids' packed lunches in an effort to draw attention to our environment and show ways we can make positive changes. I hope that everyone will make positive changes in their lives for the benefit of saving our precious environment. Our future generations are at stake.
Monday, 21 April 2008
Zentangle and Pay It Forward gift
The weekend just flew by with class on Saturday, then shopping Saturday afternoon. Michelle and Alex visited on Sunday. I made curry and rice for lunch and managed to steam-burn the fingers on my left hand when I had a altercation with a pot lid. It hurt for hours afterwards and my poor fingers are still a nice shade of red and blue. Despite that, we did have a nice time.
Today, it was off to see Brad's Ophthalmologist and I managed to do another Zentangle in the hospital waiting room.
Here is the Pay It Forward gift I painted for Anita recently. She has received it so it's safe for me to post the pic now.
It is supposed to be a pencil case but I guess you could use it for other things too. The pouch is filled with well meaning sentiments for the recipient.
I really want to get out to the studio and rearrange it over the coming weeks. I'd like it to feel a little more homely. I don't seem to have found much time over the past few weeks to get much painting done with one distraction or another but, hopefully, that will change soon.
Friday, 18 April 2008
How to make a wet palette for acrylic paints
I have often heard complaints from artists who say their acrylic paints dry out too fast on the palette and they waste a lot of paint because of it. Of course, this would be more of an issue in hotter climates so I thought I would share pics of how I make my own wet palette for use with acrylic paints. I LOVE working with wet palettes as I can leave my paint in the container for at least a week and the paint remain workable. I usually make up several palettes at once because when I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll. lol
Some examples of suitable containers below.
Make sure they have lids so they can be sealed
when not in use.
Make sure they have lids so they can be sealed
when not in use.

Flat Kitchen Sponge
These measure about 17cm x 21cm
equivalent is approx. 7" x 8"

Greaseproof Paper (NOT the waxed kind)

Wet the kitchen sponge and wring out excess water leaving sponge damp. If it's very hot weather, I will leave a little more water in the sponge than just damp. Wrap damp sponge in TWO sheets of greaseproof paper.

It's very important to use two sheets of greaseproof paper as only one sheet will result in your acrylic paints being a runny mess within 24 hours. I have found that the puddles of paint hold their shape perfectly with two sheets of the paper.

Here is one of the palettes in use. After a painting session, or if you get called away to the phone, simply pop the lid onto the container to avoid the palette and paint drying out. As previously stated, these palettes (and paint puddles) will remain workable for up to week or a bit longer depending on climate.

Click on images to enlarge
Some artists like to keep their wet palettes in the fridge but I have found this causes beads of water and a lot of condensation to build up inside the container so I prefer to just leave my palettes sitting at the ready in my studio. There are no big messes to clean up as, after I have finished with the palette, I just toss the paint-covered paper into the rubbish bin. I then rinse out the sponge in fresh water, re-wrap in fresh paper and place back in the container ready for the next use. Easy peasy ~ :)
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Another Zentangle

I drew this Zentangle yesterday whilst in the waiting room at the hospital. I notice I'm a little shaky with the linework and this was mainly due to the awkward drawing position. Normally, I would lean on a hard surface such as a table, wooden clipboard or lap table...none of which were available to me at the time.
For some reason, it reminds me of a frog. lol
Monday, 14 April 2008
Sulking dog and handbag contents...what's a girl to do?
I'm feeling a little down at the moment. We have to pop out for the afternoon because Brad has an Endocrinologist appointment and Cody knows....there he is sulking under a chair. Bless his little heart.
He's not a happy boy and is doing his utmost best to make me feel guilty's working. He usually senses when we are going out and it was confirmed this morning when he saw me emptying out the contents of my bag as I decided to take a different one to the hospital.
I hate having to leave him home alone. I truly do. He suffers separation anxiety and it makes me feel like I'm the worst person in the world. I make short trips to the shops but I rarely leave him for longer periods. I still have four kids living at home so there is usually someone here to keep him company but....not today.

Saturday, 12 April 2008
Emerging Artist

For the past week or so, the word 'emergence' kept popping into my head. So much so that I decided to create a page in my lifebook/journal. In my list of goals at the beginning of the year, I said that I wanted to explore other media and I have found myself wanting to experiment more and more. I feel like I am emerging as an artist into new and exciting areas and I'm loving it. So that became the basis for this by one, images of the different elements crept into my mind. I kept it simple but dramatic. When I look at this page I think of a Phoenix rising from the ashes....I think this symbolises how I am currently feeling about my artistic journey. I am so excited about exploring new horizons in my art.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Soul Connection, Soul Message challenge

Wednesday, 9 April 2008
It's a doll's life.....
I won this doll recently in an art group draw. Isn't she spectacular?! Her name is Fancy Nancy and Ro made her as one of the prizes. She actually made two and I was the lucky recipient of the second one.

Ro also sent me this Healing Doll a while ago when I was going through a bit of a rough patch.
This doll has truly meant a lot to me because she was sent to me with a purpose. All her little accessories have such wonderful meanings. Her hands are outstretched offering me the stones - Citrine for confidence and attracting abundance while Malachite strengthens the heart and also attracts abundance. Tiger's eye to enhance my connection with my personal power and build confidence. Amethyst for balance of mind, body and soul. The gold leaf symbolises ease from money worries. The charms are leaves, birds and a bunny which represent nature. The Goddess to remind me of the Goddess that I am and the child is a reminder that my inner child will always be with me. The walking stick is to help me make my way in the world even when the road gets bumpy sometimes. The fabrics all blend with nature. Such a special gift ~
Thank you, Ro, for your caring and generosity. I feel very blessed by your friendship.
Monday, 7 April 2008
What is your dominant Dosha?
Ayurveda is the art of living in harmony with nature. According to Ayurvedic belief, we each have three Doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha but one always dominates in each individual.
According to the quiz, my dominant Dosha is Kapha.........
According to the quiz, my dominant Dosha is Kapha.........
Your Dosha is Kapha |
Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger. However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down. You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding. Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are. With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single. To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments. |
Okay, I can identify with a fair bit though the 'In Love' part....nah, no way. My past experience tells me that I have been happiest and most content when I've been single.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
I received my Pay It Forward gift from Ro!!!

For now, the crystal hanger is proudly displayed on the frame of my visionboard and the Herbal teas are sitting on the kitchen shelf beckoning my tastebuds. Romona has an uncanny knack for sending me just what I need. Only a week or so ago, I made a mental note to myself that I badly needed to get myself some decent sewing needles as I didn't have a good variety at all.

I finished one of my 'Pay It Forward' gifts this past week and will be sending it to Anita on Monday or Tuesday. I will post a pic once she has received it.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Doodles and neighbourhood stress
I had an upsetting weekend with neighbourhood disputes. I love this house but I hate living in this street. Lots of kids who have no respect for cars on the road does not sit well with me and they all seem to congregate on the corner just up from my house. I'm tired of repeatedly telling kids to move off the road so I can continue on my way.
Unfortunately, it all came to a head on the weekend when I had to, again, tell a group of kids to remove their bikes from the road. They had laid their bikes flat across the lane and I couldn't even go around them because one young girl was standing in the oncoming lane so, I did what anyone else would do in my position...I told them to move off the road. As I moved on, I happened to glance over at the parents who were sitting in their front yard drinking and I couldn't believe my eyes when one of the Dad's gave me the finger!!! I stopped the car, got out, told him that I had every right to tell their kids to move off the road if they were obstructing traffic but all I got was a mouthful of abuse from the other Dad. Well, all I can say is that it is easy to see why their kids have no respect when that is the type of example they are setting for them.
To make matters worse, they blatantly taunted me later that afternoon by getting all the kids and adults they could gather out on the road playing cricket. Same again on Sunday afternoon right on through to the evening. Come Monday morning, I got in the car to drive my son to school and was astounded to see the road literally covered in chalk drawings which went for about 10 metres. It was an utter mess and a complete eye-sore. It reminded me of the graffiti you see on walls and buildings. What message are these parents sending their kids? That it's okay to draw all over public property?
I rang the local council and they sent out a clean up crew the next day. I did see one of the council crew talking to one of the Dads concerning the mess on the road so you would think that would be the end of it, wouldn't you? Wrong! This morning, I drove my son to school and noticed a single chalk drawing on the road. The drawing was of a 'penis'! I'm pretty sure I see the message they are trying to give me but, again, what sort of example is that setting for their kids? Don't get me wrong......I love kids! I've raised five of my own and I can proudly say I've been a responsible parent all the way. My kids know right from wrong. I just have to wonder where today's youth are headed when a lot of them don't seem to be given any boundaries. Needless to say, my weekend was not the best.
Today, I painted in the sky of the Zebra painting. I went to take a pic but the camera battery died so I will try to post a pic soon.
For the past two days I have doodled while watching the midday movie. The first one reminds me of a flower. I based the second one on what I thought was a Zentangle only to find out afterwards that the standard size for a Zentangle is 3½"x3½" and mine was drawn in my A5 sketchbook so I guess it can be a Clayton's Zentangle. lol If you haven't heard of Zentangles before, you can find out all about them here. I found the 'Zentangle' drawing to be a very relaxing and soothing process. You just start with a line and let the drawing develop from there by repeating patterns. I will definitely be doing more of these. As a matter of fact, one of the little, handmade notebooks I bought last year is exactly 3½"x3½" in size so I will use that one from now on.
Unfortunately, it all came to a head on the weekend when I had to, again, tell a group of kids to remove their bikes from the road. They had laid their bikes flat across the lane and I couldn't even go around them because one young girl was standing in the oncoming lane so, I did what anyone else would do in my position...I told them to move off the road. As I moved on, I happened to glance over at the parents who were sitting in their front yard drinking and I couldn't believe my eyes when one of the Dad's gave me the finger!!! I stopped the car, got out, told him that I had every right to tell their kids to move off the road if they were obstructing traffic but all I got was a mouthful of abuse from the other Dad. Well, all I can say is that it is easy to see why their kids have no respect when that is the type of example they are setting for them.
To make matters worse, they blatantly taunted me later that afternoon by getting all the kids and adults they could gather out on the road playing cricket. Same again on Sunday afternoon right on through to the evening. Come Monday morning, I got in the car to drive my son to school and was astounded to see the road literally covered in chalk drawings which went for about 10 metres. It was an utter mess and a complete eye-sore. It reminded me of the graffiti you see on walls and buildings. What message are these parents sending their kids? That it's okay to draw all over public property?
I rang the local council and they sent out a clean up crew the next day. I did see one of the council crew talking to one of the Dads concerning the mess on the road so you would think that would be the end of it, wouldn't you? Wrong! This morning, I drove my son to school and noticed a single chalk drawing on the road. The drawing was of a 'penis'! I'm pretty sure I see the message they are trying to give me but, again, what sort of example is that setting for their kids? Don't get me wrong......I love kids! I've raised five of my own and I can proudly say I've been a responsible parent all the way. My kids know right from wrong. I just have to wonder where today's youth are headed when a lot of them don't seem to be given any boundaries. Needless to say, my weekend was not the best.
Today, I painted in the sky of the Zebra painting. I went to take a pic but the camera battery died so I will try to post a pic soon.
For the past two days I have doodled while watching the midday movie. The first one reminds me of a flower. I based the second one on what I thought was a Zentangle only to find out afterwards that the standard size for a Zentangle is 3½"x3½" and mine was drawn in my A5 sketchbook so I guess it can be a Clayton's Zentangle. lol If you haven't heard of Zentangles before, you can find out all about them here. I found the 'Zentangle' drawing to be a very relaxing and soothing process. You just start with a line and let the drawing develop from there by repeating patterns. I will definitely be doing more of these. As a matter of fact, one of the little, handmade notebooks I bought last year is exactly 3½"x3½" in size so I will use that one from now on.

Michelle is coming to stay for a couple of days starting tomorrow so I'm very excited!! She is still not doing well in terms of her recovery from the car accident three months ago. They are now sending her for a CAT scan and an MRI to make sure they haven't missed anything. I hope they get to the root of the problem soom.