acrylic/mixed media on 6"x6" canvasSOUL COACHING - DAY 27 - EARTH WEEK
affirmation for today - MY FUTURE IS FILLED WITH LOVE AND JOY
OH MY.....what a day!
first up, my shadow self came out to play this morning when she got all fired up at the tone my 20 year old son used.....there was no need for his tone but my shadow self didn't need to over-react the way she did either. then, my 9 year old son must have enjoyed seeing the appearance of my shadow self because he promptly decided to test the boundaries....NOT a good idea because, when he takes on my shadow self, he always loses. we then get to my son's school and, as he winds up the car window, it breaks....the gearing inside the door, not the actual window. oh yes, my day definitely started off on the wrong foot! on the way to autobarn to have the window checked, i calmed my mind and figured i could stop the negative energy in its tracks by focusing on the positive. the technician at autobarn got me out of trouble by, at least, closing the car window. I will be out of pocket for a replacement scissor-mechanism inside the car door can wait for now. as long as the car window is now closed, i'm a happy, little vegemite! positive energy is back on the playing field, people. i called into the 'mind, body, spirit' shop on the way home to pick up some sage for the house cleansing ritual and was so happy to find a DVD by esther and jerry hicks called - 'introducing abraham'.
when i got home, i did my daily 15 minute meditation and then, proceeded to do suzie's house cleansing ritual. i felt GREAT afterwards! thanks, suzie! i then sat down and watched the new DVD and hung on every word, especially the ones spoken by abraham. i then managed some time for my art.....i'm not overly happy with it but i do like the message it conveys.
the lesson for today covers creating a future for yourself this moment.
i'm all for focusing in the present moment but, as i've mentioned before, i'm not comfortable visualising some future scenario for myself. it's my belief that, when you focus on visualising a future self, you will always keep what you want, out of reach, in the future. however, if you focus on what you want in the present moment, feeling and acting like you have already achieved it, you will have a much better chance at manifesting it into your current reality. i can focus on my art in this present moment and i believe synchronicity will continue to direct it into my future anyway without me having to imagine where i want to be six years from now, as denise suggests. that said, if it's comfortable for others that is totally fine by me. i am a big believer in the each, his own.
for me, it's all about being grateful for what i already have....'feeling' and living like i already have the things i desire and trusting that the universe will manifest it into my reality. i don't have it down pat yet but i'm working on it.
WOW.....only one day left now! I'm excited and sad all rolled into one.
update on michelle - she was back home by 10 AM this morning after surgery yesterday at around 4 PM. go figure! she's sore and tender but nothing some rest and taking things easy won't fix. after the weekend, michelle will spend some days here because we don't like the idea of her being home alone while alex is at work next week. thank you all so much for your care and concern. it really helped so much.
love, light and peace ~