Friday, 17 February 2012

Goal almost reached!

Hi everyone,

I'm finally beginning to feel almost normal again after my condition flared up last week.
Thanks so much for all the well wishes. xo

Photo courtesy of D Sharon Pruitt at Flickr
NOTE - this picture is not related to the story in this post. 

I came across Amy's plight via Sandy's blog and I believe that the more people who know about it the better chance they have of reaching their goal.
They are almost there!

 Amy is dealing with Stage 4 Melanoma and they are desperately trying to raise enough money to rent a home for her.

Please take the time to read their story and help if you can.
Even small amounts add up quickly.

Thank you. xo

~ Love, light and peace ~


  1. Hi Serena. So glad to hear you are doing better. Sorry to hear about Amy's plight. The C word is very scary for us all. Take care.

  2. Thanks, Tori ~ xo

    Thanks, Sophia. I'm so sorry about your Father's passing due to cancer. xo It's a horribly devastating disease. We had a close call with my brother last year when it was discovered he had kidney cancer. Thankfully, it hadn't metastasised the removal of the kidney did the trick but he will need regular check-ups for a couple of years.

    Thanks, Gloria. Cancer is far too common sure is scary. xo

  3. glad youre feeling better! hang on in there!

  4. Finally feeling better! That's good news. And thanks for the links. I'll go over and check it out. Cancer is indeed a scary subject.

  5. Glad you're getting over the last bad bout. I hope you don't have another one before the surgery.

    Sounds awful about Amy. Cancer can alter lives in so many ways. She's in my prayers.

  6. When you hear stories like Amy's, it just makes you realize how we should count our blessings and be grateful for everything in the every day. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope your weekend is wonderful. Tammy

  7. Glad you are feeling somewhat better after last week Serena ....hang in there ....

    hugs, V.

  8. Serena - thanks so MUCH for linking to her. I'm so glad people are helping her. Hugs...

  9. Everything ok? A much needed reminder that people need support. Hope all is well. <3
