Monday, 1 October 2012

Day One - Blogtoberfest & sketch challenge

And so it begins

Day One of Blogtoberfest


the personal sketch challenge I mentioned yesterday

Basically I hope to do 75 sketches in 75 days.
The challenge states to use ONLY pen and/or ink as
it helps to build observation and learning skills.
When I complete the task,
Brenda Swenson will send me an
Artistic License which you can see here!

So this afternoon, I sketched one of  the leaves from the gardenia shrub
in our front garden bed.

Pencil-free sketch in my pocket Moleskine sketchbook
using Faber-Castell Artists PITT pens.


It's been a wet, long weekend here in Brissie.
Today was a public holiday to celebrate the Queen's birthday.
We normally celebrate it in June but, this year, 
they made some changes to our Public Holidays and
the Queen's birthday holiday is now in October
for Queensland and Western Australia.

Abbey, my Grand-puppy, went home today and we already miss her.
She was such a delight to look after although Jack,
our Jack Russell Terrier cross, will probably be glad to see the back of her.
He's quite territorial and I'm sure he's happy to get his space back.

I made a brown rice and roast vegetable oven dish for dinner.
Quite nice but not as tasty as the last time I made it.

Enjoy your day!

~ Love, light and peace ~


  1. OMgosh! 75 sketches in 75 days? wow now that is a challenge - but I know YOU Can do it! we''ll all be here cheering you on from the sidelines Serena!

    1. Thanks...I sure hope so. I have a habit of fizzling out of art challenges but I seem to do okay on the blogging every day months which is why I decided to incorporate the two. :)

  2. Wow, what a challenge! But it sounds like a wonderful exercise, and your leave is beautiful! Love how three-dimensional it is, I just want to pick it up! Beautiful handwriting too.

  3. WOW, Serena... two challenges at one time! LOVE the simplicity of this sketch. This gives me an idea to do a sketch book during the winter, to re-hone some drawing skill, as I seem to skip drawing sometimes these day, splashing right in with paint, etc. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

    1. Thanks, Tracy. A sketchbook during winter would be a great idea. (((Hugs)))

  4. That's a great leaf - it's great to return to basics sometimes. Not that this is basic... but you know what I mean... focusing on core skills.

    1. I understand what you mean...thanks, Lisa. :)

  5. I just might have to try this in the future. Talk about a challenge--all ink--no pencil, no eraser! That would really teach me how to be braver and maybe even how to draw what I see more accurately. The artistic license is fantastic!! You've already had some pen drawing practice and do sooo well. I can't imagine how fantastic you will be after 75 days!! Awesome!

    Rice and veggies sounds good to me! Stay dry and have a great week! :)

    1. It would certainly help with your efforts to become a 'loose' woman, Rita. lol I'm hoping I can fine-hone my pen skills over the 75 days. (((Hugs)))

  6. using clips to hold open the book is a great idea :) good luck with all the sketches :D

    1. I saw another artist using clips once so followed suit although I don't always use them while actually doing the sketch. The clips are great for holding the pages flat while taking photos too. :)

  7. Very impressive the two challenges and ever s impressive the sketch. A great start.

  8. 2 great challenges! I love how you shaded the leaf- it really amazing to me what a black pen can do!

  9. A great start to the challenge xo

    1. Thanks, Beau. Let's just hope I can pull it off. xo

  10. That is an AWESOME committment, but if anyone can do it (and do it very well), it's you Serena!

    1. Thanks,, if only some of the faith you have in me rubs off onto me. lol

  11. Thanks, Alexandra. I will try my best to complete them.

  12. I've enjoyed looking at all your sketches!
